
We want to encourage others and help them navigate through the Christian experience. Our goal is to teach about Christ, inspire self-discovery and live a balanced and abundant life. Most importantly, just have FUN!

7 responses to “About”

    • Unchurched simply means choosing to live free in Christ. We are active our local church and believe in the assembly of believers. Just not becoming so “churchy” that you forget your relationship with Christ. That’s all. Thanks for asking!

  1. Hello!
    I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

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